Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Corporate University

Consider the apparent oxymoron - "Corporate University".  Yes, we all know what it means and it's useful shorthand recognising that the corporate world can, sometimes, lose patience with "proper" Universities and create an institution more focused on their needs.
Why sponsor degree programmes or students who then fail to "repay" the investment by taking up graduate positions? 
Why not wait until a compliant government sets the scene for "competition" in the University "market" and set up your own institution?
Now I'm not knocking A.P.Grayling or genuine niche providers and there should be proper recognition of serious alternatives to mainstream Universities.
But setting the scene for purely commercial ventures, focused on a return on investment is a slippery slope.

Hang on....

Re-wind all of that.

What a splendid idea.  Making Universities focus on money, the generation of surpluses and revenues and the reduction of costs.  That will surely ensure that Universities that attract more students are, obviously, the better ones.

Now, if only there was a sensible way to measure how good a University is...

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